10 Unwritten Rules We Follow As Citizens of Michigan
As Michiganders, we have a certain code of ethics and traditions we live by that all of us seem to follow. Below are some examples of the un-written rules we follow as Michiganders that, by large, most of us follow. But I know some of you "rebel" Michiganders may veer off the path a bit. I guess that just means you like to live dangerously...
Either way, there are a few here that are unbreakable, either by others or whether we like it or not, it's just in our DNA and there's no escaping our fate as a Michigander. How many of the following do you live by? Let us know in the comment section if we're way off the mark, got it wrong, or what other rules you live by.

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10 Unwritten Rules of Being A Michigander
Here are some examples of the un-written rules we follow as Michiganders. Mostly by large, I know some of you "rebel" Michiganders may veer off the path a bit. I guess that just means you like to live dangerously...