1641 Thought This is What Michigan Looks Like
Call is the "oddest depiction" of Michigan you've ever seen. Just try to pick out Michigan from this 1641 map.
The map image was shared on Facebook to the Michigan's Past page and digitized by the Research Laboratories of Archaeology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. They decipher the portion outlined in red to be today's Michigan and Ohio and blue outlined land mass is southern Ontario. the large body of water that takes over the upper half of the map is Lake Huron. Using those clues you can start to piece together other parts of the map.
Port Huron would be about where the words Non-Ariotocro are. That puts Detroit a bit further south on the strait with that small pond below Lake Erie.
Michigan doesn't take on much of a mitten shape and there's quite a bit of uncertainty about the area described as Lac Des Eaux de Mer, or Lake of Sea Water. Could that be either Saginaw Bay or Lake Michigan. Neither is salty. My guess it it's Lake Michigan with the Straits of Mackinac and the land described as Aouentsiouaenronon being the Upper Peninsula.
How about Grand Lac or Big Lake. That must be Lake Superior.
In the early days of exploration and cartography in the region, there certainly have been odd maps and fantasy lands, like the area this is considered Michigan's Atlantis, an island known as Copper Island that doesn't correspond to any known island in the lakes and Isle Phelipeaux, another phantom island.
Despite its odd shape for Michigan, it's a fascinating early depiction of the Great Lakes State.