This week, a total of 102 Michigan schools and administrative buildings are reporting ongoing COVID-19 outbreaks.  With only 3 new schools reporting outbreaks this week, adding to the 99 others experiencing continuing outbreaks, it is the smallest number of new outbreaks since the state started to report them last year.

The drastic decrease in infection and outbreak rates are due to most schools being on winter break and upon returning to continuing, most schools are still learning remotely.

The 3 new schools to report outbreaks are Olivet College in Eaton County reporting 5 infections among staff, New Wonders Preschool in Kalamazoo County reporting 5 infections among staff and students, and Lincoln Elementary in Ottawa County reporting on staff member and one student having contracted the virus.

Just as a note, when the state reports the outbreaks they only report the total number of infections and whether staff, students, or both are infected.  They do not break down the total number of staff or students infected in each school, but instead provide the total number of infected.

The drop in numbers is very encouraging, but we should still stay vigilant in following COVID-19 guidelines to keep the numbers low.  If numbers in any school grow to large, it will most likely force the school into remote learning if not already doing so.  Also, after winter break and students possibly traveling to spend time with relatives for the holiday, an increase in the coming weeks is expected.  We just hope that the number of infections will remain lower than during the surge in November.

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) reports the new outbreaks every Monday at 3pm.

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