Here Are 6 Tips On How To Get Your Dog To Stop Digging Holes
If you have a dog that just cannot resist digging holes in your yard or the kennel, here are 6 tips that might help you turn your best friend around.

My Dog is Addicted To Digging Holes
My dog Jake is much bigger than the photo above but I didn't have a current photo to use but that's my dog.
I have to keep him in a kennel outdoors while I'm at work and it's a big kennel and I'm sure he gets bored. Jake stays indoors at night and on the weekends he is able to run freely on the property.
I have tried toys, toys with treats in them, everything I could find but he seems to be on a mission to dig to the other side of the planet regardless of what I do.
So I found some things to try to break the habit and thought you might want to try some of these too.
6 Tips To Get Your Dog To Stop Digging Holes
1. Cayenne Pepper
A bad smell will keep the dog from digging a hole in a certain area of your yard and the number one smell dogs do not like is cayenne pepper. If there is a place on your lawn the dog likes to dig, sprinkle some cayenne pepper there and he will move on.
2. Loud Noise
If you can catch your dog in the act, some suggest a loud noise like saying firmly "no dig." If you happen to have an area that you allow the dog to dig in, take them there. You can even sneak up and pop a balloon. This isn't to be mean but only to temporarily startle them to associate digging with the pop sound over time the dog will associate the two.
3. Designated Digging Area
If your dog just likes to dig and some just like doing it because they find it fun. Another solution is to create an area for them to dig. You can make this area a place if you catch them digging you put them there. You can even encourage them to dig there but you have to make it fun for them. Another thing to do is to make other areas not as attractive to dig by using chicken wire and rocks temporarily to make them not choose those areas.
4. Spray Dog With Water
If your dog has its eyes and digging paws set on your flower garden, you may want to try spraying it with water. If your dog doesn't like baths, rain, sprinklers, or even mud puddles then this could be a good tactic for you.
Unfortunately for me, my dog loves water and this would just create a new game for him but it might work for you.
5. Fence or Barrier
You may have to fence in an area where you don't mind the dog digging or you may have to put barriers to keep them away from flower and vegetable gardens. If there is an area where the dog likes to dig under a fence, you can bury some chicken wire the location to take the fun out of it.
6. Excercise Your Dog
If you have the time to get the dog out for a daily run or walk, this may take some of that boredom out of their day plus they need the exercise just like humans do.
Dogs love to sniff around and are always looking for new smells and digging up your yard gives them new things to smell.
Fulfill the dog's daily sniff needs, plus the exercise and you may find fewer holes in your yard.
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Gallery Credit: Sabienna Bowman