People are so nostalgic for the 1970s. The music. The fashion. And, of course, the movies. The first half of the 1970s are known the New Hollywood era, when a generation of young directors pushed the boundaries of studio filmmaking. The end of the decade was dominated by the very first blockbusters; JawsClose Encounters of the Third KindAlien, and Star Wars. American movies were never the same again.

Many of the most popular titles from the ’70s’ New Hollywood and blockbuster eras remain cherished classics. But even some of the decade’s most beloved films look less than ideal when viewed through a modern lens. The 10 movies below, for example, rank among the 1970s best-known motion pictures, and if they were made today they would look totally different — if they could get made today at all.

That doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy them. It just means you probably shouldn’t hold your breath for a remake of any of the following films anytime soon...

70s Movies That Could Never Be Made Today

These movies include some of the biggest of the decade — a few even won Academy Awards. But all of them would have trouble getting made today.
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90s Movies That Could Never Be Made Today

These movies include some of the biggest of the decade — a few even won Academy Awards. But all of them would have trouble getting made today.

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