A hunter in Grayling left his AR-10 up against a tree and when he returned, SURPRISE!, the rifle was gone.

The man sought out information on his missing weapon on Facebook, which peaked the interest of the Crawford County Sheriffs Department.

They are asking anyone who finds the weapon to return it to them. They're also warning hunters to be mindful of where their weapons are.

"There are charges that can be for mishandling a gun, it's called reckless use, but it also includes handling so if you're leaving something carelessly out in the woods that could possibly be charged as a 93 day misdemeanor, there's also the issue of if somebody was to find a firearm they can be charged with larceny of a firearm," Sierra Koch the Crawford County Prosecuting Attorney told UpNorthLive.

So in this case, everyone could be guilty. Be careful out there, and keep track of your rifle!



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