American Flag Collection Boxes Set Out In Walker
The American Legion has put out American flag collection boxes in Walker. The Legion is collecting flags for retirement and disposal.
American Legion Post 1111 recently put out a flag collection box, and it’s collected hundreds of unserviceable flags. Jena Wilmers, commander of American Legion Post 1111 told FOX 17,
"We don’t just take a flag and throw it in the garbage; that’s disrespectful. So, with this flag box it’s now giving people a place to drop them off – our post picks them up – and then we retire them through a proper retirement ceremony."
Jena emptied the box located outside of Sobie Meats, a veteran-friendly company that also sells American flags. The Walker community filled the box in 24 hours. A second box sits inside Walker City Hall. So far the legion has collected hundreds of worn flags, emptying the box two to three times per month. The boxes were originally set in place on Veterans' Day 2020.
The Department of Defense shows here how to correctly dispose of an American Flag.
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