One major way that fatherhood changed Ashton Kutcher? The actor is now campaigning to get diaper-changing stations in men's restrooms!

In a March 16 Facebook post, Ashton wrote, "It seems this idea of diaper changing stations has struck a chord. It’s a pet peeve of mine when people just complain about s--- and don’t do anything to improve their condition. So lets do something. In for equality? Pass it on – ‪#‎LeanInTogether‬."

Earlier that month, the actor (and dad to 5-month-old Wyatt), spoke out against the lack of changing tables in men's restrooms.

"There are NEVER diaper changing stations in mens public restrooms. The first public men's room that I go into that has one gets a free shout out on my FB page! ‪#‎BeTheChange‬," he wrote on Facebook.

Apparently, he isn't the only parent to be frustrated by the diaper situation. His first post was shared more than 14,000 times and garnered more than 244,000 likes.

Ashton took action beyond a Facebook post. He started a petition on to end gender stereotyping in men's bathrooms. In his open letter, the actor writes, "It's 2015, families are diverse, and it is an injustice to assume it’s only a woman's job to handle changing diapers. This assumption is gender stereotyping and companies should be supporting all parents that shop at their stores equally — no matter their gender."

He also makes the point that fathers like himself want to participate in the child-care process, but the lack of changing tables in restrooms makes that difficult.

As of March 25, the petition has more than 75,000 supporters.

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