Apparently something called a "mid-latitude cyclone" swept through Michigan over the weekend. Up to ten foot waves were recorded along West Michigan's Lakeshore. Here's video of the big waves on the big lake Sunday afternoon.

M-Live reports that a “sprawling mid-latitude cyclone” caused wind, rain, sleet and snow throughout Michigan the weekend of October 11th:

The cyclone provided Michigan’s first taste of winter with two inches of snow in one Upper Peninsula town, winds up to 58 miles per hour in the Lower Peninsula, plus high waves and waterspouts."

I happened to be home in South Haven visiting my family and we drove down to the beach to check it out. Turns out, lots of other people had the same idea! Lots of folks sat in their cars, checking out the action on Lake Michigan.

Luckily, everyone was smart enough to stay OFF the South Pier, where giant whitecaps were sloshing over! From where I stood, the North Pier appeared to be pretty much totally underwater. In the video you can also see huge waves rolling down the Black River, reaching as high as the top of the guard rails and flooding onto walkways.

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