Personally I'm a White Sox fan, so it doesn't really matter to me what the Cubs do. But, as we have found out, sometimes movies CAN predict the future.

Case in point, "Back to the Future 2". In the movie, The Cubs, in 2015, beat Miami to win the World Series. Now when the movie was made in 1988, and did predict something. The Miami baseball team didn't exist for another 4 years. So there's that.

"Joe Maddon has signed on as manager in the offseason, All-Star catcher Miguel Montero came on board in a trade on Tuesday and Jon Lester, certified ace, agreed to a six-year deal early Wednesday morning. So yes, the pieces all seem to be coming together. One might say 2016 or 2017 could be the North Siders' year. But we're thinking 2015, because, you know:

If you recall, Marty McFly travels to the year 2015 in Back to the Future II (October 21 to be exact) -- a time when cars fly, hoverboard races occur on the reg and THE CUBS are World Series champs. Sure, it might be impossible for Chicago to beat Miami in next year's Fall Classic, but is it improbable for them to have a shot at winning it at all? Only time will tell."

Hmmm. If the movies have taught us one thing, even the Cubs could win it all. Even if it's not real life.

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