Calling all dads.

Someone in Spokane, Wash. posted a Craigslist ad seeking a "generic father figure" to serve the role of "BBQ Dad" for a barbecue set for June 17, which just so happens to be the day before Father's Day.

In addition to the mundane tasks of cooking up hamburgers and hot dogs, the ideal candidate will also:

- Refer to all attendees as 'Big Guy,' 'Chief,' 'Sport,' 'Champ' etc. (whilst drinking beer)
- Talk about dad things, like lawnmowers, building your own deck, Jimmy Buffet, etc. Funny anecdotes are highly encouraged. All whilst drinking beer."

While there is no pay, the father who lands the gig will get as much food and beer as he wants. Those interested in applying must be a dad for at least 18 years and have a decade working a grill under his belt. And bonus: you get to hang with guys who use the word "whilst." That's all class right there.

The barbecue is for a bunch of friends between the ages of 21 and 26. The quirky ad has gone viral, so the group has since decided to think bigger. One of the pals, Dane Anderson, tells Huffington Post they now want Bill Murray. “With all the publicity, we’ve decided to ‘Go Bill or Go Home.’ Bill Murray that is,” Anderson said. "We are dead-set on getting Bill to be our father figure #BillOrBust."

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