Discover the fascinating history of Michigan's local currency system, Detroit Cheers, dating back to the Great Depression.  Detroit is one of only a couple of cities in the United States with its own currency.

Detroit, MI, Philadelphia, PA, and Ithica, NY are the only cities in the U.S. that currently have their own money.  Detroit first got its very own currency during the Great Depression.  (Scroll down to see pictures and eBay listings of the original Detroit currency.)  However, the Detroit Community Scrip has made a comeback in 2009.  This is actual money that many businesses accept according to Michigan Houses Online,

...the Detroit Community Scrip or more commonly called the Detroit Cheers. The Cheers are backed by US currency and are fully exchangeable for an equal amount of U.S. dollars. Cheers are available in only the $3 denomination. The standardized face of the Cheer features the Spirit of Detroit over the Detroit Skyline.

The Model D Media website points out that $4,500 worth of "Cheers" was in circulation in April 2009.  It's unclear how much is currently in circulation.  I can tell you it's not easy to find a photo of the currency to show you.  But, I did finally find these "Three Cheers" bills on IG.

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Detroit began printing its own money in an attempt to help the city's economy back in 1933.  The Great Depression dollars were the inspiration for the 2009 Detroit Cheers.  The original Motown money is very rare and hard to find.  However, there are currently a few bills being sold on eBay for both Detroit and Hamtramck.

This City of Detroit $1 bill is going for $124.99.  Click here to check out the eBay listing.


If that's too rich for your blood, the current bid is $15 on this 1933 City of Detroit $1 bill.  Check out the listing by clicking here.


There is also a City of Hamtramck $5 bill from 1934 up for auction.  The buy-it-now price is $29.99.  Click here to see the listing.


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