The West Michigan Vaccine Clinic at DeVos Place, which is operated by Kent County, Spectrum Health and Mercy Health in collaboration with Vaccinate West Michigan, is seeking community volunteers in non-clinical roles to support the clinic.

When the vaccine is available for the clinic to open at full capacity, approximately 150 volunteers are needed per four-hour shift. Volunteers may assist with greeting clinic attendees, providing directional assistance, escorting attendees who need help, sanitizing and organizing supplies, performing temperature checks and more. You do not need healthcare experience in order to volunteer.

Anyone ages 18 or older are asked to complete this survey if interested in volunteering. Volunteers must not have any felonies or misdemeanors within the last ten years, have a valid driver's license with no suspensions in the past five years, and not had a fever or symptoms of the COVID-19 virus for at least 14 days prior to volunteering. The survey will include authorization for a routine background check. Eligible volunteers will receive a confirmation email and instructions for signing up for available shifts.

In a release, Dr. Adam London, the administrative health officer for the Kent County Health Department said,

Vaccinating our community is a huge undertaking. Just as our organizations are working together, we believe that the West Michigan spirit in so many of our community members will draw people to this volunteer opportunity. We are all in this together, and we believe the COVID-19 vaccine provides great hope for us to be able to return to normal and enjoy being with our families and friends again.


If you sign a commitment promising at least  20 hours of service at the vaccine clinic, you will become eligible for vaccination as a health care volunteer and part of critical infrastructure. These vaccinations will be made as soon as reasonably possible.

This is an unpaid volunteer position, but volunteers will receive free parking and light refreshments.

All volunteers will be required to wear a mask for their entire shift and must complete the CDC Facilities COVID-19 screening survey within four hours prior to the start of their shift.

Frequently asked questions are available here.

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