You Could Dine With Jesus In Brighton, Michigan
The Holy Spirit Roman Catholic Church at 9565 Musch Rd in Brighton, MI has a truly unique display that gives people a rare opportunity, the chance to eat with Jesus. Indeed, this holiday season you and friends could potentially have Thanksgiving, maybe even Christmas dinner with the stone figure...if you're brave enough to battle the weather. The video below gives you a good look at the sculpture and gives a little insight as to how it came about:
Interactivity, Last Supper-style. A life-lize[sic] bronze Jesus sits at an outdoor, 11-foot-long granite table surrounded by 12 empty seats. Titled "Dine With Jesus," it was installed in 2012 in a tree-shaded grotto overlooking the cemetery of the Holy Spirit Roman Catholic Church, which hopes that people will in fact eat their lunches there, or just hang out and imagine themselves in place of the apostles. You could gather together 11 friends and recreate Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting! The sculpture was built by Canadian artist Timothy Schmalz.

Michigan has quite a few interesting and rather large dictions of Jesus, including the roadside sign that has been synonymous with the Dixie Highway exit on I-75, featuring a large portrait of Jesus with the question, "Are You On The Right Road?" Thats sign itself has been around for years and in recent years has needed much repairing done. But this statue seems like it's going to be sturdy for a long time, so if you bundle up, grab some friends and pack some food, there's plenty of room at the table for you.