Today, the Diocese of Grand Rapids announced that all weekend Masses will be cancelled through Sunday, March 29, due to COVID-19.

The following guidelines were issued by Bishop Walkowiak this afternoon:

  • Weekend Masses through Sunday, March 29 in the Diocese of Grand Rapids have been canceled.
  • Churches should remain open for private prayer during normal weekend Mass times and other times as normally scheduled.
  • Mass will continue to be livestreamed from the cathedral.
  • Daily Masses, where less than 100 people are gathered, should continue and use guidelines from March 11.
  • Visits to the sick and homebound should continue.
  • Funeral Masses may be celebrated.
  • Confirmation Masses through Wednesday, April 1, have been canceled and will be rescheduled.

See more details from the Diocese of Grand Rapids for schools, events, meetings and other educational gatherings.

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