Three years later, a dog has been reunited with its owner after having been stolen. I think the take away from this story is: microchip your pet!

This story goes back to 2017, when someone broke into Venes Mosier's home in rural Kentucky while she was in the hospital, and stole just about everything she had, including three dogs.

Mosier was training the dogs to help out disabled veterans when they were taken.

Luckily, Mosier microchipped the dogs, and one was quickly found in Illinois, while the other two were never found. Until now.

A mixed breed black and white dog somehow made it to the Animal Control and Rescue for Cass County, Michigan in Cassopolis. After scanning the microchip, the lab, named Callie was discovered to be Mosier's.

“I was kind of shocked because I was like, ‘No way!’ because it’s been three years,” Mosier told WOOD-TV 8.

Ronald Butts of the Cass County Animal Control said he was overjoyed to find Callie's owner. He added that he had never seen anything like that in 25 years of working there.

How Callie made it to Michigan is still an enigma, but authorities say she was in good condition when brought to the shelter. "Someone had obviously taken care of her," Butts said.

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