A new set of bills approved by both the Michigan House and Senate will help residents with misdemeanors and felonies, get a second chance.

According to WZZM, the “Clean Slate” laws, which was a group of seven different bills, helps approve the removal of misdemeanors from your record 7 years after your sentencing. The legislation also removes felonies 10 years after sentencing or at the end of a sentence. WZZM also reports drunk driving charges, crimes involving minors or vulnerable elders, forgery and embezzlement as well as assaults along with other serious felonies will not be automatically expunged.

The automatic expungements will only take away two felonies and four misdemeanors. WZZM’s story says you can file an application to have another 3 misdemeanors possibly erased.

WZZM also says the expungements don’t take away any fines, restitution, or money owed from their crime, but should be able to have a chance to turn their life around.

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