Halloween is right around the corner and it might be that year when your little one thinks they are finally old enough to go out trick or treating on their own.  If you decide that this year is the year, make sure you are prepared and find out if any sex offenders live in your neighborhood and tell your kids to stay away from those homes.  (Or don't we aren't your mom.)

Grand Rapids alone has 1,901 residents who are registered sex offenders.  Many of those are currently incarcerated, but just as many are out and living around the area.  Fortunately, The Michigan Department of Corrections makes it really easy to find out where sex offenders live.

So, before you let your kids go trick or treating on their own, be sure to find out if there are any houses that they should avoid.  If you want to know more about the sex offenders list, the Michigan State Police have posted a 'Sex Offender Registry Frequently Asked Questions' section on their website.

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