If you're a Yooper of a certain age, the face of Carl Pellonpaa is both well known and beloved. Pellonpaa hosted the nation's only Finnish language television program, Finland Calling, on WLUC-TV in Marquette, Michigan. The weekly show was on the air for more than 50 years.

Few outside Michigan's Upper Peninsula know how rich the region's Finnish heritage is. A Finnish-themed university once existed in Hancock and the street signs in that city use both English and Finnish. To this day there is a remote township where a quarter of the population speaks Finnish at home rather than English.

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Finland Calling, or Suomi Kuutsu in Finnish, ran from 1952 through 2015. It aired for an hour on Sunday mornings and featured Finnish music, dances and discussion. The show was a destination for numerous Finnish politicians and entertainers from the Scandinavian country over the years.

While it was never aired in Finland, many native Finns have found the program via YouTube, one commenting:

As a Finn who randomly stumbled upon a Wikipedia article about Michigan's Finns, gotta say, this is one interesting rabbit hole to have fallen into. Just now learned about C. Pellonpää, and he has already made quite an impression. Clearly a well liked man who had an interesting career. I hope I get to one day visit the Yoopers that held him in such a high regard.

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Pellonpaa passed away in 2018 three years after the show ended.

There are episodes of the series available on YouTube to give a feel for the show.

Check out a look back at Finland Calling and the late host Carl Pellonpaa from WLUC:

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