National Donut Day is on the first Friday of June each year, succeeding the Donut Day event created by The Salvation Army in 1938 to honor the men and women who served donuts to soldiers during World War I.

This means free donuts if you know the right places to go. Here's a quick guide.

Of course, the national chains such as Krispy Kreme and Dunkin' Donuts will be giving away free donuts. Tim Horton's originated out of Canada so they may be confused by the whole thing, but you never know, it doesn't hurt to ask.

The Salvation Army locally does it own thing, handing out donuts to those in our community who could use a little appreciation for what they do.

Locally, we are blessed with some high quality donut places, and I'm sure they will all be celebrating in their own way Friday. Stop by and get yourself a maple. Here's a short, but delicious list of some of my favorites. If I missed your, please add it in the comments section.


Hall Street Bakery, 1200 Hall Street SE, Grand Rapids

Marge's Donut Den, 1751 28th Street SW, Wyoming

Robinette's Apple Haus and Winery, 3142 Four Mile NE, Grand Rapids

Wealthy Street Bakery, 610 Wealthy SE, Grand Rapids

Propaganda Donuts, 117A Division SE, Grand Rapids



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