Attention West Michigan! Be on the look out for a seven foot tall Bigfoot statue, made out of sheet metal.

The 'Bigfoot' Replica Went Missing Late Last Month

According to the Michigan State Police, the statue went missing sometime after March 22, when it was last seen intact. (And we're just finding out about it now? What is it with Michigan crimes being reported long after the fact?)

The 3-D ode to Sasquatch graced the front lawn of home in Park Township, which is south of Grand Rapids along US 131 between Marcellus and Mendon, south of Schoolcraft and north of Three Rivers.

Google Maps
Google Maps

Police Say They Have A Description Of The Vehicle That May Have Stole Bigfoot

Michigan State Police say they are looking for a white van with tinted windows that was seen in the area shortly before the statue went missing. They added that the lawn ornament was cut off its base by someone using a bolt cutter or similar instrument. The statue is described as being made of sheet metal with rough cut sides to simulate Bigfoot's fur. It is said to be orangish brown, but I think it's just rusted. You take a look at it and decide for yourself.

Michigan State Police
Michigan State Police

But in this "True Crime" era that we now live in, several amateur sleuths have already taken to the comments section of to solve the case.

Jason says it may be an inside job:

A good place to start the investigation would be with the wife of the guy that had this thing on their lawn. She probably waited until he passed out and ditched it. She'd been thinking about it for a long time.

Too which "Fourth And 1" added this possible conversation that took place inside the home:

"Hey honey, we need to landscape the front of our house. Some flowers, nice bushes, you know. Hey what about a nice 7 foot Sasquatch? What do you think? Honey? Are you there? Honey?....."

And "editor in Chief" kept within the mystical origins of Bigfoot with this cryptic post:

Inter-dimensional transference is not a crime. Been around for a long time. Next!

I think of Bigfoot being a celebrity now, and I think he's just chilling with his friends in Hollywood, waiting for his Netflix deal.

Premiere Of Relativity Media's "Judy Moody And The NOT Bummer Summer" - After Party
Frazer Harrison

Fascinating Bigfoot Reports From Each Michigan County

Whether or not you believe in Bigfoot, it's still really entertaining to read about all of the times people claim they have come into contact with the creature. Below we're going to go through Michigan county by county and detail the most interesting Bigfoot encounter that's been reported there.

Gallery Credit: Jessica Gibbons








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