The Grand Rapids police this week released the dash cam footage of the September incident along northbound 131 in the S-curve where a murder suspect was taken down by a cruiser after shots were fired at officers.

The incident which happened on September 27 was witnessed by many downtown office workers, some of who had posted their own videos.

But now comes the official police dash cam videos from a couple of different angles, and you can see the officer who took down the suspect, since identified as Adam Nolin, was pretty quick in his reaction to what has happening.

The dash cam clearly shows two GRPD officers quickly hunker down behind their cruiser after avoiding shots, the officer driving the dash cam cruiser then pursues and hits Nolin.

Nolin received non-life threatening injuries in the incident and is currently being held on murder charges in the Kent County Jail.

Authorities say Nolin killed his girlfriend Tia Mae Randall, a 27-year-old mother of two, in Wyoming on the morning of Sept. 27.

Later, he led officers on a chase and then crashed along busy US-131. He then got out of his pickup truck and started shooting at officers, though none were hit.

The video comes to us courtesy of WOOD TV 8.

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