How many bills do you still pay by mailing out a check? Or waiting in line to pay a person? Well, if you're paying bills or tickets to the City of Grand Rapids, it could soon be even fewer.

Wood TV 8 reports the city aims to launch an app in August that will let you pay your bills online, on any device, with no convenience fees. 

The app is called Pay It. Cities like St. Louis and Kansas City use it.

You need an email address and a password and your account will be linked to your bank account or credit card. You can also link all your city bills together, so you can pay them quickly.

While you can currently pay water bills, parking tickets, refuse cart and other bills to the city online, there may be convenience fees, ranging from $1 to more than $100.

With the Pay It app, there are no fees, except for income and property taxes.

John Globensky, Grand Rapids' treasurer, told Wood TV8,

“We want to make it so that you can do business with the city at any time, anywhere and on any device."

The app will also send you notifications on when your bills are due. Globensky says,

“Our parking tickets double after 10 days. If I’ve provided a notification for you on day nine or day 10 that says your ticket is due and you can easily click ‘pay it’ and click on your credit card or bank account and get that paid. You’ve just avoided that $20 steep in penalty.”

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