Grand Rapids seems to be in no hurry to allow recreational marijuana sales, as the city commission voted to delay applications again.

Back in November of 2018, when state voters overwhelmingly approved the sale of recreational marijuana in Michigan, you just kind of knew Grand Rapids would screw it up somehow, and that seems to be the case.

The ever cautious city commission, pushed back the dates for applications for marijuana dispensaries in the city yet again this week. 

The date, already pushed back to April 20, 2020 (420, get it?), was moved six more months into the future to at least October. (Who knows, they couldn't even agree on a date!)

They also issued a moratorium on granting medical marijuana licenses, which left 13 applicants in limbo.

“It was so frustrating. The rules have been so difficult,” medical marijuana license applicant and cannabis activist Tami Vandenberg told WOOD-TV 8.

“We’re told time and again that we’re coming up soon. We still haven’t been up, and March will make it a full year (since we’ve applied) and we’ve almost lost our building several times."

It appears it's a case of NIMBY-ism (Not In My BackYard!!) as several commission members say they do not want pot shops in their wards.

While I totally respect that, the Commission seems unwilling to work toward a compromise, and to keep tabling things seems more like avoidance at this point than legislation. Poop or get off the pot already! (or on the pot, in this case)

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