A quick check of the old YouTube shows quite a bit of Grand Rapids footage posted recently, including some of the thunderstorms that rumbled through GR Saturday, the Griffs celebration, a car wreck on Division and for some reason nine year old footage of Van Halen at Van Andel Arena. 

Let's start with the huge celebration at Rosa Parks Circle Friday for the Griffins, who won the AHL Calder Cup Championship, here is the team on stage introducing themselves. It's short, but it gives you an idea of how loved the Griffs are in our community.

Next up, we have some scary dash cam footage of a car accident on the corner of 68th and Division. This is a close call for the guy driving. Another two seconds and he's in the middle of that mess.

Thunderstorms rumbled through the area all weekend, and here's some footage of some pre-storm shelf clouds from the Wyoming area.

And last but not least, a YouTube user by the name of 'Real Collector' posted some video of a Van Halen concert from 2008 this weekend, and most of it is pretty good, here's a look at 'Jump', watch as Eddie Van Halen's son Wolfgang shares a secret with dad just before the song kicks in.


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