By now most of us have heard the Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida. Since Grand Rapids is not immune to this kind of senseless violence, Mary Kennedy has decided to bring awareness to this growing problem. Kennedy, who is a leader of GRCC's black student union, is joining with student leaders from several LOCAL schools to organize a walk today to call for justice in Martin’s case. Good for her!

The walk will start at MLK park at noon, and head downtown to end up at Rosa Parks Circle. Then there will be a rally at GRCC's Applied Technology Center at 3:30 p.m. Speakers will include the leaders of cultural student groups at several area colleges, including several from GRCC. The students will share their own views on Martin's death.

There's more info in this story "Organizer of upcoming Grand Rapids walk for justice in Trayvon Martin shooting case explains why event is necessary"


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