After retiring in 2017, the beloved Honey Bunches of Oats lady, Diana Hunter, is back! Ads featuring Hunter hit the airwaves once again on Tuesday October 9. The 30 second spot features Hunter and other employees rhyming about the "Crispy, crunchy bunches, for breakfast, brunch and lunch" wearing her signature red hard hat and uniform standing by a conveyor belt as boxes of the cereal go by.

The spokesperson first began working for the cereal maker in 1976 and then began appearing in the companies commercials for Honey Bunches of Oats in 2002. While Hunter will not be in every ad in the companies upcoming campaign, the rhyme will be.

While mascots for cereal have generally been directed toward a younger consumer, Diane Hunter is considered a relatable and friendly face for both adult men and woman a like.

The cereal maker also gifted the world with a video of outtakes of the faces featured trying to to get the rhyming catchy tune down. It is 30 seconds well spent... see below.

After Hunter's retirement last year, she wasn't quite done with the TV spotlight. She made a memorable appearance on the Steve Harvey Show.

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