How to Travel Around the World for Less than 50 Bucks?
We all have a dream vacation whether its a sandy beach in the Caribbean or a family trip to Disney land but let's be honest, travel ISN'T cheap.
While scrolling around the internet the other day I came upon a website which helps you achieve the goal of going on that dram vacation of yours for under fifty bucks! It's called and it is exactly what it sounds like.
A group of professional photoshoppers (is that even a term?) will take photos of you and your loved ones and seamlessly place you in front of places like the Eiffel tower, Disneyland, or even the Taj Mahal. They even go as far as telling you what to wear, how to stand and they even give you an itinerary of what you did while you were there to make the lie even more convincing.
So if you want to brag to all of your Facebook friends about seeing Notre Dame before it burned to a crisp, i guess here is your perfect opportunity.