Venus Stewart was murdered eight years ago, and on Monday, October 22, her husband (who is in prison for her murder) led police to her remains in a wooded area of Kalamazoo County.

After eight years, what led Douglas Stewart to finally admit that he committed the crime and lead authorities to Venus' body? The promise of an Xbox and a few other privileges.

The Detroit Free Press reports that in exchange for Stewart leading authorities to his wife's remains, his unit at the Saginaw County Correctional Facility will gain Xbox access in their free time. It will be a special model of Xbox that does not allow access to the Internet. Douglas Stewart will also be allowed to be briefly released (under supervision) to attend the funerals of his parents in the future.

The Free Press reports that these privileges are not a done deal, however. They are contingent on good behavior, and paperwork had yet to be signed outlining the terms.

It's unclear if the types of games the inmates will be able to play will also be restricted.

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