For the last couple of years, serious talks have been about the overall function of the prison and justice systems. As more states begin to express that their prisons are understaffed and overpopulated, more people are asking that nonviolent and some first-time offenders be released back into society. Of course, this has yet to happen but how long can they afford to have these issues going on?

Speaking of afford, I wasn't aware of how expensive it could be to house a prisoner for one year. Each state has a different way of treating their prisoners and the "amenities" they have to offer them while they try to rehabilitate which means each state has a different cost for a prisoner year over year.  Michigan falls somewhere in the middle compared to other states, but the price may still blow your mind as I couldn't believe it could cost that much.

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When you think about it, prisons have quite a bit they must offer to prisoners which is food, shelter, water, hygiene products, and clothing/shoes. These are all the bare necessities of life that everyone must have to live but they also provide gym equipment, televisions, snacks, and other luxuries to these prisoners as well. Some of the things they have to pay to maintain or provide while other things are donated, but the cost of one individual prisoner for a year is still very high for the state of Michigan.

Taxpayers are forking out $65,000 per prisoner in the state of Michigan but granted there are a lot of things that are covered in this price. A lot of this money goes to day-to-day operations like maintenance bills, correction officers, and other basic expenses but two things help Michigan stay toward the middle of the pack on this list.

Michigan does not fall amongst the group that has the highest imprisonment rates but it also is not among the lowest which could drive your costs up to down depending on where you are on the scale. The other thing is that Michigan's wage rates are keeping them from overloading on officer salaries unlike states like California, New Jersey, and Massachusetts which are all in the top 10.

What is your opinion on the amount of money that we are paying as taxpayers for prisoners to be able to have their living conditions? Should it be less? Should it be more?

Here's how the states rank for prison population growth rate:

America Behind Bars: State Rankings for Prison Population Growth

With many states experiencing corrections officer shortages and no shortage of criminals willing to land themselves behind bars, some states are closely monitoring prison populations and searching for solutions. Other states have thrown caution to the wind and more lawbreakers into prison, with a southern state leading the way, growing its incarcerated population by over 14% from 2021 to 2022, according to a study conducted by H&P Law. Let's countdown to the state with the largest percentage growth of residents housed in prison.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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