Here is one map a Michigander does not want to be a part of because it shows the county-by-county fatality rates for automobile crashes.

Michigan in Top 10 For Fatal Automobile Accidents

All states have a lot of automobile accidents but Michigan is in the top 10 for states with the most fatal accidents. Michigan lands at number 10 with 1,084 vehicle deaths already in 2024 alone and the year is not even half over yet.

It seems every week in West Michigan there is a report of a fatal automobile accident. A few times a year we also hear about fatal hit and runs in the region.

The most common fatal accidents in Michigan, are side-impact, single-vehicle, multiple-vehicle, and head-on which usually involve speeding, intoxication, distracted driving, auto defects, and bad weather.

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Map of Fatal Car Accidents By County in Each State

Matt Tucci Facebook Page
Matt Tucci Facebook Page

Matt Tucci must have a lot of free time on his hands to have put together this map that goes county by county and state by state showing where the most fatal accidents occur. Tucci used data provided by each state's public websites. The darker the color on this map the more fatal accidents occur. Michigan is looking pretty dark according to the map above. Ohio and Indiana don't have much to brag about either. There is not a lot of green color coding in Michigan like in some of the western states.

Tucci crunched the numbers of fatal crashes but made a few adjustments like weighting down low-population counties while weighting upwards for counties with larger populations. Michigan is a higher-population state which is why part of the reason there are more fatal accidents in the Mitten.

Michigan's Top 10 Leading Causes of Death

According to Michigan Health Statistics, these are the top 10 leading causes of death in the state.

Gallery Credit: Jacob Harrison

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Gallery Credit: Emma Stefansky