In one of the recent power outages Consumers Energy offered a bill credit, so should those in Grand Rapids affected by the tainted water get a bill credit?

How Consumers Energy Credit Works When You Lose Power

Consumers Energy Facebook Page
Consumers Energy Facebook Page

For those that have Consumers Energy for your power source in your residence, they offer outage credits. The cool thing about this credit is you don't have to try and get someone on the phone or go online to get the credit. Consumers will automatically give you the credit as long as you qualify. Below are the qualifying categories:

  • 96 Hours - If your power was out for 96 hours during catastrophic conditions.
  • 48 Hours - If you lost power for 48 hours during gray sky conditions.
  • 16 Hours - If you lost power for 16 hours during normal conditions.
  • 6+ - If you've had 6 or more power outages that lasted longer than five minutes within 12 months.

You can take a deeper about Consumers Energy outage credits here.

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Should Grand Rapids Residents Get a Water Bill Credit From Recent Contamination?

City of Grand Rapids Facebook Page
City of Grand Rapids Facebook Page

20,000 residents east of US-131 and north of Hall Street in Grand River had three days under a boil water advisory that has now been lifted. Some of those citizens believe they are owed a water bill credit but the City of Grand Rapids says that is not happening since customers affected were still receiving water service. That last line is what caused a resident to encourage others to demand a water bill credit.

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Grand Rapids Reddit Page
Grand Rapids Reddit Page

As you can see on the Grand Rapids Reddit page the post title makes the demand and offers up the person to contact but the rest of the people on the thread seem to not be bothered by the water inconvenience.  Poster ineedatinylama said, "Enjoy your $4." I have to admit, I laughed out loud at that one.

Grand Rapids Reddit Page
Grand Rapids Reddit Page

Most of the Reddit posters on this thread approved of the work the City of Grand Rapids has been doing as well not as bothered by the whole situation as the original person who started the thread. You can see more and throw in your 2 cents here.

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The Coolest Michigan Water Towers

We have some really cool and unique water tower designs in the state and I wanted to highlight some of the coolest ones that I've found, and would love for you to send me any photos you have of your hometown water towers to add to the list. I'm sure there's way more out there that I haven't come across yet.

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