A Michigan man was recently busted by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for trying to fill potholes in his driveway by taking gravel from nearby roads.

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Every year Michigan drivers have to deal with monster potholes created from when water and moisture makes it's way into tiny cracks of the roads and expand and contract causing holes to form.

Not So Pure Michigan via YouTube
Not So Pure Michigan via YouTube

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I've heard of people patching potholes in front of their house or a nearby street.

Spencer Platt/Getty Images
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Or putting something in the giant pothole to bring attention to the problem and hopefully get it fixed by a road patching crew.

San Francisco Road Crew Work To Repair Pot Holes Caused By Season's Massive Amount Of Rain Fall
Getty Images

But I've never heard of anyone doing what a Michigan man was busted doing on back roads in northern Isabella County.

According to Mlive a Michigan man had some holes in driveway that he wanted to fill.

Instead of doing what most people would do and get a load of gravel dropped off and have them fill in the holes or just do it themselves this guy decided to gather some gravel that was on a nearby back road and take it back to his place.

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

Michigan DNR District 6 conservation officer Mike Haas saw this happening and when he caught up with the man he charged him with multiple violations.

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

Part of me thinks what's the harm in taking some extra gravel from a back road, but then again if everyone did that we might have a problem on our hands.

I wonder if he had to return the gravel or if the DNR let him keep it.

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Gallery Credit: George McIntyre

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