West Michigan Bar Receives Praise For Posting This Sign In The Bathroom
When you enter a bar restroom you're likely to see some things you probably don't want to see. From gross stuff on the floor to the classic Call For A Good Time number written on the inside of a bathroom stall.

But one West Michigan bar had something hanging in the women's restroom that's receiving positive attention and praise from people who have seen it.
Bob's Bar On Michigan Has "Angel Shot" Sign In the Women's restroom
A person on Grand Rapids Reddit gave a shout to Bob's Bar on Michigan Street for a sign they saw in the women's restroom. Here's what the sign said.
Are you on a date that isn't going well?
is your DATE not who they said they were in their profile?
Do you feel UNSAFE or even a bit weird?
Is someone BOTHERING you or making you feel UNCOMFORTABLE?
We're here to help, just go to the bar or ask your server for an ANGEL SHOT.
NEAT - someone will escort you to your vehicle.
DRESSED - someone will call you an Uber or Lyft.
WITH LIME - we will call the local police.
We will handle things discreetly and without a lot of fuss. We want you to know that you are in a safe place.
Some People Had A Problem With The Sign Being Posted Online
- I always appreciate that, but sharing it publicly can be counter-productive. Makes it a little more obvious when someone needs to use it
- I believe this sign is in the women's restroom, and sharing here for all to see has basically rendered it useless.
- It's okay, this isn't something unique or secret. The angel shot code has been circulating on Tik Tok for at least two years. Some of the Tik Tok accounts mention using the code "angel shots" as an example, and they encourage bars to use their own code and share it in the restrooms -- different codes for men and women. They also recommend changing the code names periodically and updating the restroom signs. I think OP just wanted to raise awareness, not give anything away
I see why people are concerned about this being public, but I think Bob's Bar and other places that have these kinds of signs hanging up are doing a great thing and hopefully, other places will consider doing something similar.