Why You Should Turn Your Heat Down When Michigan Falls Below Zero
Michigan residents should turn their thermostats down when it's freezing outside to prevent a horrific situation.
On its face, that last sentence seems like the opposite of common logic. Why would we turn our heat down during a frigid cold snap? Consider this, when temps remain below the freezing point for several days in a row, even dipping below zero as it has here in Southwest Michigan recently, your furnace is working very hard.
Depending on a lot of factors which include the age of your heating system, your furnace might not be able to keep up with the demand you're putting on it according to Pharo Heating and Cooling,
When it is extremely cold out, we recommend that you drop your thermostat several degrees less than your normal temperature. This simple practice reduces strain on your HVAC on the coldest days.
Turning your thermostat down and adding a layer of clothing or an extra blanket at night could be the difference between your furnace running safely or completely dying.
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If your furnace dies during extreme cold, you will need an HVAC technician ASAP. Unfortunately for you, these technicians will likely be incredibly busy during this cold weather.
The potential long wait time could be more than uncomfortable. If your home is without heat for too long in these frigid temps, your water pipes will be at risk of freezing and bursting.
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Tips for a Healthy Furnace in Michigan
- Change your filters regularly. Typically, furnace filters should be changed every 1-3 months.
- Turn your furnace down a couple of degrees and bundle up. However, do not turn your thermostat below 55 degrees.
- Schedule regular maintenance for your furnace. A quick furnace check-up every year before winter hits can be a lifesaver.
- It's also not a bad idea to get a carbon monoxide detector and check those batteries regularly.
Stay safe and warm out there.

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