Is this still a thing, or not? With Michigan being home to the National Cherry Festival it only seems fitting that we should hold the world record for largest cherry pie, right?

For a time-- actually two times-- we did!

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But then Canada had to go and snatch the title out from under us, leaving us with nothing but pie on our faces. Now what?

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via Google Maps

Michigan's Pie History

Both Charlevoix and Traverse City have each claimed the title of World's Largest Cherry Pie at one time or another.

In 1976 local inn owner Dave Phillips enlisted the residents and farmers of Charlevoix to help celebrate both the annual cherry festival and the nation's bicentennial. The 17,420 pound pie was a record setter at the time. Even then-President Gerald R. Ford sent a letter of congratulations to the folks in Charlevoix! Today part of the custom-built oven and giant pie tin are all that remain.

In 1987 Traverse City resident Bob Underwood was so upset by Charlevoix's claim to fame that he and the Chef Pierre Bakeries (now Sara Lee) put together a record breaking cherry pie of their own weighing 28,350 pounds. Today the empty 17 feet, 6 inches diameter tin that was used to bake the pie sits outside the Sara Lee factory.

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Google Street View

Who Owns the Title Today?

According to Guinness, Michigan's reign as cherry pie champs ended after three years when the Oliver Rotary Club in Oliver, British Columbia, Canada baked a whopping 37,721 pound cherry pie on July 14, 1990.

Not quite as recognized as Guinness, the World Record Academy says the town of George, Washington claimed the title of World's Largest Cherry pie in 2012 when they baked a pie weighing over half a ton that could feed up to 1,500 people.

Your Move, Michigan!

Last summer it was announced that a pair of brothers in Traverse City were hoping to reclaim Michigan's rightful place is oversized fruit pie history. News of their ambitions came and went, so what's the status?

It appears brothers Garret and Dakota Porter are still in the process of securing funding for their pie dreams. When the brothers aren't busy appearing on Shark Tank they're asking for crowd-funding donations via Go Fund Me and frequently share updates on their official event Facebook page: The Big Pie Project TC.

This is no small feat! The brothers say,

Over the last few months, our team has been nailing down the details to bring the World’s Largest Cherry Pie back to Northern Michigan by planning, designing, and baking a 50,000 lb, 25ft cherry pie...With the help and support of numerous local companies, our goal is to bring the community together for a feel-good project that everyone will be proud of for generations to come.
Currently they sit at nearly $10,000 raised of their $50,000 goal. So unfortunately, I doubt we'll see the big pie come to fruition this year. Hopefully by the time the National Cherry Festival rolls around in 2024 funding will be secured and we can finally bring the title of World's Largest Cherry Pie back to Michigan once and for all!

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