For those who may be asking what a Telephone of the Wind is, there was a special that ran on CBS, which we have provided down below. There are many of these telephones throughout the country and up until recently there were two located in the Detroit area. These phones are unique in that they offer those who are grieving the ability to get a little bit of closure.

The idea behind the phone is to give somebody who is grieving a lost one, the chance to say one final goodbye. For those who never got to say goodbye, or for those who are having a hard time moving on after losing a loved one, it gives them the opportunity to pick up the phone and let it all out so that they can end the hurt and move on with their life with some closure.

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The New Location


Recently, another one of these phones was added in the lower peninsula in Manistee, and I had the chance to talk to the woman who was responsible for dedicating the telephone in there.

My husband Corey Dembeck should really get the credit. I just helped with the sign and dedication. Dale Sparks was my best friend, Erica’s, Dad. We grew up together and he was a major part of my life.

Corey Dembeck (Used w/ Permission)
Corey Dembeck (Used w/ Permission)


This is something I think we definitely need here in Southwest Michigan. The phone is such a smart idea, and can serve to do nothing but good, as there are many of us who would definitely take advantage of the opportunity to get a little closure.

How To Get There

It's off from M55 a couple of miles west of Udell Hills rd. Take 55 to Fire tower rd. south on Fire tower rd. You could put Udell Lookout tower in your phone and that should get you there. There's a little parking spot.. you can't miss the tower

For all other locations you can see this map which shows you where the other ones in the country/state are.

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