Jerry Jones is a 105 year old multi-billionaire who owns, among other things, the Dallas Cowboys football team, AT&T Stadium, and about a million people. And he's been married to his wife for 85 of his 105 years on Earth.

And he recently has been spotted with a couple of young women in "suggestive poses". Hmmm. Not conduct becoming a NFL owner, is it? Yahoo reports "Jerry Jones says revealing photos of him and young women are 'misrepresented'"

"Jerry Jones says some suggestive photos of him with a few young women are not what it looks like. And then the Dallas Cowboys owner said he didn't want to talk about them.

"Someone has misrepresented photos taken at a restaurant five years ago for their own purposes and so I'm just not going to comment," Jones said, per
Pictures of Jones surfaced with two women in fairly racy poses, and Deadspin has put a little more of the story together, which seems to corroborate Jones' timeline of the events. It sounds like someone was trying to extort Jones with them."

Sounds like a spin job to me. But ultimately he has enough money to buy and sell 435 people. So I'm sure the hole thing will quietly disappear until the court case into his death in a few years will bring this all back up. Bank on it.

Jason Merritt/Getty Images
Jason Merritt/Getty Images

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