This Supercut of Kids Embarrassing Parents Is Reason Enough to Stay Childless
Kids really do say the darnedest things.
America's Funniest Home Videos has posted this Facebook clip of children saying things that embarrass their parents. It's take off faster than a five-year-old running with his hands spread out down the soup aisle while he furiously tries to find a box of Cap'n Crunch to put in his mom's cart.
If you have a kid, you'll immediately identify with these parents, who have probably gone red in the cheeks from the mortifying comments from their offspring. This is just par for the course when you have kids, so if you are thinking of starting a family, watch this clip closely.
Sure, you're probably thinking, "This will never be my kids." To that we say, "Ha!" Every mom and dad in the world believed that. Then, they had kids and entered a world where Legos overtook the kitchen floor, "booger" became the most popular word in the house and every night a manhunt begins in the quest to find your children and put them in the bed so you can do it all over again the next day.
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