We had snowflakes as recently as the other day, but at least we haven't had to shovel snow -- in May! I am so ready for winter to be behind us.

In the Upper Peninsula, they still have plenty of snow up there. And there was snow falling last weekend as far south as North Carolina and Tennessee.

I think we are all ready to just say good bye to the snow.

Every year in Grand Rapids, there is just one snowbank that just won't go away. It usually lasts well into the month of May.

You can see it if you are driving east on I-96, just past the Cascade Road exit. It's on the righthand side of the road, just beyond Bonefish Grill.

You'll see a dark, dirty, gray clump of ice -- but it was originally snow that was plowed from a parking lot of an office building on the southeast side of Grand Rapids.

Why is there still snow there? The area where the snow is piled up is on the north side of a huge retaining wall. Because of it's location, and the tall buildings around it, the area gets very little sun...that means it takes a long time for the snow to melt in the spring.

Last Snowbank 2019

Hopefully with the warmer 70 degree temperatures in the long range forecast, this snow bank will be history in the next couple of days!

Goodbye snow. See you again next winter -- and hopefully not before that!

Signs of Hope Around West Michigan

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