Like every industry and walk of life there's a secret lingo or jargon used at your work. Using it it most likely short-hand way of relaying information quickly to co-workers. Other times, perhaps, it's a code to communicate sensitive information in front of customers.

Restaurants are no different than any other line of work. Whether a mom-and-pop or national chain, there is language used by employees to expediate getting the job done.

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Consider the Detroit-based pizza chain Little Caesars there's an entire language for employees that you may overhear. But, it may not be advisable for you to use your secret knowledge.

The discussion came up recently on a subreddit dedicated to Little Caesars on Reddit with a poster feeling embarrassed because they used some insider lingo and it didn't go well.

It was like 2016 or something and our city had gotten its first Little Caesars in the area. I was so excited for $5 pizza that I was pretty much a regular. I would often walk in and hear the kitchen staff do kitchen callouts. They would call out “one pep” to the kitchen when someone orders a pepperoni pizza to replace it in the hot and ready oven. I went up to the register one day and was greeted. All I said was “one pep” and they looked at me like I was speaking in an alien language.

Another commentor shared that they enjoyed their pizza with a lighter amount of cheese. A manager they became friendly with relayed to them to request a "2 cup of cheese" should that manager not be around. However, when asking for the 2 cup on a future visit and the worker looked at the customer without comprehension.

READ MORE: No One Today Would Believe the Items on the Original Michigan Little Caesars Menu

Yet another example of insider jargon is the popular side of Italian Cheese Bread. To workers, that's an ICB.

One Little Caesars employee shares why it may not be wise to use the workers' language,

Using the restaurant lingo is a no no. When the crew uses it we know what to do. If a customer uses it the crew has to clarify what the customer means because we might not know if they are using it correctly.

So while you now may know that a "1 Pep" is code to create a new Hot and Ready pepperoni pizza, ICB equates to Italian Cheese Bread and a lighter amount of cheese would come from using a "number 2 cup" maybe it's not advisable to deploy your newly discovered knowledge.

Knowledge is power. Use yours at your discretion.

From coast to coast: The 20 best regional fast-food chains to try

From burgers to subs and even creamy milkshakes, these tasty fast-food chains, compiled by Stacker, are a must-try on your next road trip.

Gallery Credit: Kiersten Hickman

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