Make a Run for the Border…For a Dine-In Meal
You may remember the Taco Bell slogan, "Make a Run for the Border". Over the weekend, I also made a run for the border for food. I didn't go to Taco Bell, I drove over the Michigan/Indiana border for an opportunity to dine-in and eat a meal "inside" a restaurant.
Here in Michigan, Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services have restricted indoor dining at restaurants and bars in our state.
Over the past couple of weeks I have supported our local restaurants by ordering food "To Go" -- but I just wanted an sit-down, indoor meal. So over the weekend, I decided to hop in my car, and take a drive over the state line to the neighboring state of Indiana. In the Hosier state you can sit down and enjoy a meal, and a beer, inside a restaurant.
On my Facebook page, I asked if it was wrong to do what I did. Apparently, I am not the only person to have made a trip to another state for a good sit-down meal in a restaurant.
Only a few people objected to my road trip. Some questioned just how safe a trip like mine might be.
From my experience, I didn't come in any more contact with people than I would have picking up a "to go" order locally. Every staff member was wearing a mask (I was as well). The restaurants were socially distancing everyone and only seating people at every other table, and I had no contact with any of the other people who were also there enjoying a meal. I used the provided hand sanitizer on my way in, and out, of the restaurant.
The current Michigan's "Pause to Save Lives" epidemic order initially began on November 18th and had since been extended through Friday, January 15th. Let's hope that we can get back to dining in locally -- with restrictions -- soon. I know many restaurants are really hurting financially and need to be able to open back up, even if just on a limited basis.
Oh, and just in case you don't remember any of Taco Bell's "Run for the Border" commercials, here is one to jog your memory...