First thing Meijer employees do now before they clock in is receive a health screening.

According to WOOD, the West Michigan based grocery store Meijer, will now take each workers temperature and have them fill out a health questionnaire before they begin each shift. If the employee gets the green light they will start their shift.

If a worker feels sick they will be advised to see their doctor. If an employee is sent home they will have the opportunity to be a part of the pay continuation program until they are ready to return to work healthy.

Any worker that has traveled internationally or has been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 will have to take the 14 days off for self quarantine.

In order for to keep shopping safe for customers they have already changed their daily hours to be open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. This allows employees to clean and re-stock shelves. Another safety step the store made was no longer taking back returnable bottles and cans. Also, if you buy something make sure you want it because there is a no return on merchandise for now. These steps are to slow the spread of the cornoavirus.

Meijer is also offering essential service workers and employees special shopping hours on Monday's and Wednesday's from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. For elderly shoppers and those who are deemed high risk Meijer has dedicated Tuesday's and Thursday's for their shopping from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. Meijer gas stations are still open 24/7 but pay at the pump only.

Meijer President and CEO Rick Keyes said, "our team members are the heart and soul of Meijer and we are working hard every day to keep our shelves stocked and ensure our customers have what they need for their families. We appreciate their amazing work, and we are focused on making sure we're providing a healthy working environment for them."

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