Michigan Answer Appears on Jeopardy! (& G.R. Makes an Appearance on My Mobile Game)
It's always exciting when your town is highlighted in some type of way and Michigan made an appearance on Jeopardy! last week.
The episode aired on Wednesday, May 3rd says MLive. It was a $1,200 question under the category "Where Ya From?" and it read:
Any true Michigander, whether you live above or below the Mackinac bridge, knows that the answer is "TROLL."
Although the contestant who answered the question was from New York he still answered correctly and went on to win the entire game.
Like I said before, it's always exciting when your town is highlighted on a national level. Like last night, when I was playing the Wheel of Fortune game on my phone. The category was "On the Map" and it didn't take long for me to realize the answer was GRAND RAPIDS MICHIGAN!!!
YAY! I solved it and won the money!! If only it were real though...
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