Michigan Deer Hunters Feed 232,000 People With Venison and Cash Donations
Every year, the Michigan Sportsman Against Hunger program accepts thousands of pounds of venison in donations from Michigan hunters to feed the needy, and this year's donation was record breaking.
This year, Michigan hunters donated more than 58,000 pounds of venison which should feed about 232,000 needy people. This year's record breaking donation also included $100,000 from hunters across the state.
According to the Detroit Free Press: "The nonprofit group partners with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Food Bank Council of Michigan in helping connect hunters to charities that feed people in need."
The Michigan Sportsman Against Hunger program was established in 1991 and has provided over 100,000 meals annually to the needy. If you would like to learn more about how you can participate in this program, check out the Department of Natural Resource's website.