Unfortunately, the great state of Michigan is also one of the great states for hate groups.

There are a lot of lists that it is nice to be a part of, like having one of the greatest cities in America to live in, one the best states to retire in, one of the best communities to raise a family, one of the best states for outdoor activities, being called Beer City USA and I could go on.

But it was very disappointing to learn that Michigan has topped another list. The Great Lakes State is also one of the top states for groups. That is a list no one wants to be on, (unless you're in a hate group).

I wonder if the hate groups hate each other? I wonder if hate groups compete to be number one? I sure hope not.

Life is tough enough just trying to get through without any hate, so why form a group or club just to hate others? It sounds miserable and pointless.

I dislike a lot of things, but there are none of them worthy of forming a group to sit around with others just to hate something. I mean, I don't like our state's insurance rates but I am not putting a group together so we can all sit around and be miserable about them.

According to FOX 17, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) announced this week its annual number of hate and extremist groups and Michigan came out as a top state with 25 different hate groups that have been identified.

I always thought that hate groups were few and far between, but oh did I turn out to be wrong. After the homeland terrorists hit the country's Capitol Building plus local hate groups attempting to plot and kill our governor, Gretchen Whitmer, it is apparent that hate is alive and thriving in Michigan and around the country. In today's age and of all the knowledge that is available, this is just plain terrible news.

I'm glad at least some entity, the SPLC, is keeping track of these extremist groups but I hope another entity is going to do something about them. I get we are a country of free speech and right to protests and I am fine with that, but when you are trying to kill politicians and overthrow our government, it is time for someone to step in.

FOX 17 presented a list of hate groups that the SPLC provided regarding hate groups in Michigan. What really sucks is Grand Rapids shows up a couple times on this list as well as many of these groups are listed as statewide:

  • American Freedom Law Center in Ann Arbor is Anti-Muslim.
  • Blood and Honour Social Club is statewide and is a Racists Skinhead group.
  • Christ the King Reformed Church in Charlotte are a White Nationalist group.
  • Church Militant/St. Michaels' Media in Ferndale is an Anti LGBTQ+ group.
  • Folks Front/Folkish Resistance Movement is a Statewide Neo-Nazi group.
  • Gallows Tree Wotansvolk Alliance in Grand Rapids is a Neo-Volkish group.
  • Great Millstone in Detroit is a General Hate group.
  • House of Israel in Detroit is a General Hate group.
  • Israel United in Christ in both Detroit and Grand Rapids is a General Hate group.
  • Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge in Detroit is a General Hate group.
  • Mass Resistance in Detroit is an Anti LGBTQ+ group.
  • Nation of Islam in both Detroit and Grand Rapids is a General Hate group.
  • National Reformation Party is statewide and a White Nationalist group.
  • National Socialist Movement in Detroit is another Neo-Nazi group.
  • NS Publications in Wyandotte is a Neo-Nazi group.
  • Patriot Front is statewide and are a White Nationalist group.
  • Proud Boys in Lansing is a General Hate group.
  • Sharia Crime Stoppers in Mount Clemens is an Anti-Muslim group.
  • Social Contract Press in Petoskey is a White Nationalist group.
  • The Base is statewide and is a White Nationalist group.
  • Thomas More Law Center in Ann Arbor is an Anti-Muslim group.
  • United Nuwaupians Worldwide, The All Eyes on Egypt in Detroit is a General Hate group.
  • White Rabbit Radio in Dearborn Heights is a White Nationalist group.

That is a lot of hate groups located right here in Michigan. There is so many better things to be doing than hating others. Can you imagine if these groups were the opposite of hate groups? Can you imaging how much good they could all do to help others rather than wasting time hating people? What a shame.

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