Michigan Launches New Effort to Battle Coronavirus
Today, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services launched a new coordinated statewide effort to battle Coronavirus in Michigan.
The Community Health Emergency Coordination Center (CHECC) was opened in Michigan today to support local and state response to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus outbreak. The center is designed "to assist the multiple public health jurisdictions involved in the response and prevention of coronavirus here in our state.”
To date, there are no confirmed cases of 2019 Novel Coronavirus in Michigan.
The CHECC will develop and distribute guidelines and educational materials about the virus with local health departments, including a focus on Detroit and Wayne County Health Departments, with Detroit Metropolitan Airport being a Coronavirus screening location.
The first U.S. case of Coronavirus was identified on Jan. 21. Since then, additional cases have been confirmed in the U.S ranging from mild to severe, including death.
Learn more about the 2019 Novel Coronavirus in Michigan.