Just days away from the 2024 general election and early voting as well as absentee voting is well underway. Let's say you've changed your mind on any races and you want to re-vote. Can you?

It's not likely but it depends. Michigan does provide its voters a few instances to 'spoil' their ballot and vote again.

👇🏼BELOW: How Michigan Has Voted in Past Presidential Elections👇🏼

The question came up recently on Reddit after a share of an X by Talking Points Memo founder John Marshall who relayed a story of a Georgia voter who had voted early and asked a poll worker about changing a vote.

The short answer is generally no, if your vote has been cast, it's cast and can't be undone. However, if, say you've chosen to vote absentee but haven't turned in the ballot - you could make changes.

Fox 2 in Detroit looked at the issue and shared the following bullet points:

Absentee voters who submitted their ballot to their clerk had until 5 p.m. Oct. 25 to spoil their ballot.
All ballots that have been cast, either absentee or through early in-person voting, cannot be changed.
Voters who requested an absentee ballot but did not return it to their clerk have until 8 p.m. election day to spoil their ballot and vote again.

So an early vote caster can't change anything. It's done. If you voted absentee and returned your ballot - the window has closed for this election and it's locked in.

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The only way to change an early vote would be for an absentee vote who has not yet returned the ballot to their city/village/township clerk to request a new ballot before the poll closing time on election night.

So the lesson is not just, as they once said tongue-in-cheek in Chicago, "vote early and vote often" - but it is most importantly vote wisely.

How Michigan Has Voted in Past Presidential Elections

See how Michigan has voted in every presidential election starting way back in 1836.

Gallery Credit: Jacob Harrison

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