New 100th St. Bridge over US-131 is Open!
After years of getting hit by tall semi-truck trailers, the 100th Street Bridge over US-131 in southern Kent County has been replaced. We all endured months of construction, along with lane and road closures, but the overpass is now open!
The new 100th Street bridge replaces the original structure that was built in 1957. The new and improved overpass includes a 14-foot-wide pedestrian path on the south side of 100th Street. Plus, 100th Street has been rebuilt and widened to provide dual left-turn lanes on the bridge, left and right-turn lanes at the ramps, and traffic signals at both ramp intersections.
The bridge made headlines back in 2018 after being struck approximately 13 times between January and May by semi-trucks with hauling illegally high loads. The new clearance under the bridge has been increased to meet the modern standard minimum of 16 feet, 3 inches.
After being hit so many times in 2018, a Facebook event was scheduled to bubble wrap the overpass to protect it. The event had 389 people “going” and over two thousand people “interested” in the event. The Michigan State Police sent out a statement "strongly advising against this event and strict enforcement action will be taken if necessary.”
The old bridge came down in April of this year. You can see a time lapse of the demolition here.
The overpass even has its own Facebook Page!
Here is the official ribbon cutting video from October 19th...
As crews put the final touches on the overpass, daytime lane closures will be in effect on US-131 through October 23rd.