The Michigan Animal Rescue League has nine new puppies that will be adoptable soon, and they're adorably named after pizza toppings.

Baby Gave Birth Sunday And Her Pups Are Named After Pizza Toppings

The proud mom showed off her pups on Sunday, and they've been named Olive, Garlic, Cheese, Bacon, Onion, Sausage, Mushroom, and, of course, Pepper.

The pups were officially introduced to the world via the magic of TikTok, where they posted by the MARL, and referred to as 'The Pizza Kids'. They are absolutely adorable, and will be available to adopt soon.

So, here they are, the nine pizza topping puppies you didn't know you wanted, until now.

The Animal Rescue League Likes To Have Fun With Their Social Media Feed

The Michigan Animal Rescue League is located in Pontiac and first came on our radar when they released video of their monthly Ice Cream Party at the shelter, where the dogs all go to cool off with heaping helping of the icy treat.

Why Pizza Names? Why Not?

Tommy Sanfilippo, animal care technician at MARL, told The Mirror : "We usually just pick a theme for litters of cats and dogs, and everyone loves pizza!"

"I want them all but will settle for Bacon, Mushroom and Cheese - winning combination," a TikToker commented.

One commenter noticed a name was missing from the group and wondered why, "No pineapple!? Too controversial?"

Tommy went on to tell The Mirror, that Baby, the Pizza Kids mom will make a great pet, as well, "She's been a delight with staff and has been a wonderful and extremely patient mother."

Tommy added, "The puppies will need loving homes with patient owners who are willing to help them learn the basics like potty training and general dog etiquette."

How About Some Cats Named After Cereal Mascots?

And for the cat lovers in the audience, fear not, because the MARL also has cats with cute names, like this lovable threesome.

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